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Registration Terms

Welcome to the XGuys Club!


Access to the XGuys Club is solely for guys interested in, or those who live with, male orthopedic issues; from amputees and amputation to prosthetics, from braces to crutches, from the varied plegias to wheelchairs, from polio to assorted congenital issues, and all the variety in between. This club is not about numbers of members but rather about the quality of it's membership. There are many people who have a serious interest in this area: those who live with these issues, their admirers, devotees, and those with BIID otherwise known as wannabes/need2bes. This club is for all of those individuals.


That being said we are also an ADULT club, as such we have a minimum age requirement. All members MUST be at LEAST 18 years old and must declare this during their registration. We understand that the "age of consent" varies greatly from area to area and that our age cut off may not allow some members who qualify as "adults" in their jurisdictions to become members. But we have to err on the side of caution on this very sensitive issue and so we decided to choose the age that almost all areas agree on as legally declaring someone an "Adult".


Members who wish to join just for a pix-fest keep out! You will be banned from the board sooner or later if that is your intention!


Otherwise, the admins, the moderators, and all the existing members welcome every new member who wishes to participate with them in some serious discussion, some light-hearted discussion, and to share information and items of mutual interest in an open and friendly environment.


This club is NOT for lurkers and freeloaders.


Tumblr and Facebook Groups are there for these categories of users.


Any Member who's account is idle for more than 6 months will be deleted as "inactive".

Idle is defined as not accessing the club, not engaging in any activity that the

board can monitor (accessing forums, reading posts, i.e. any "clickable" action), 

or not notifying the staff that you will be away for a prolonged period.


This is a security issue, idle accounts are the most attacked by hackers wishing to access sites to do harm.  The club is now multi platform friendly, you can access us now by PC, mobile device, tablet, or gaming system so there is no excuse for letting an account go idle other than you have decided to leave the club.


Members are obliged to support the club. You can do this by joining in the general discussion; you can post supportive comments, you can post pix, you can even post interesting links you've found. Just keep in mind that this is an ADULT club and that under NO circumstances will the posting of any photos, links, or information pertaining to anything or anyone who is underage be tolerated!


In addition this club DOES NOT allow the posting of personal information of ANYONE!  If you have someone's home address, phone number, or any other item of sensitive personal information please keep it to yourself.  Basically if you do not want the same information about yourself posted then don't post that information about someone else.  THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE ITEMS FOUND ON THE INTERNET AND CONSIDERED PUBLIC DOMAIN SUCH AS: profiles from FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., news articles with names, videos, advertisements, and so forth.  


When it comes to posting photos, in addition to our own gallery albums (which allow nudity), an option is also available for members to upload pictures onto the board's Photobucket page, but NO 'offensive' or adult pix on our Photobucket page please! If you cannot upload them to our galleries then please send staff members pix like this for review before posting.


If you have ANY questions on how the board is run, or what we consider to be acceptable behavior by our members, please contact any of the staff once you become a member, they will gladly help you find answers to whatever questions you may have.


If you have any questions you would like to ask, or reservations that you would like to have addressed before applying for membership please feel free to contact the Admin staff at:



We will gladly help resolve whatever issues you may have. Again, Welcome to the club!

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